Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy (OT) is inspired by what brings your child joy, confidence, and pride. 

What is OT?? The main goal of (pediatric) OT is to support participation in the day-to-day life skills and experiences that are most important to your child (and your family). 

Occupational Therapists start by working closely with families to do some detective work (why is this activity so challenging/not working out)?

Next, we work together to find creative solutions to meet the goal. There are 3 ways we might do this: (1) develop skills, (2) adapt the activity,  and/or (3) adjust the environment.

Click on the green button to the right to learn a bit more about what OT could look like for your child.

At Kettle Valley Kids OT, we believe in...

Client Inspiration

Your child's OT goals and the path we take to get there will be inspired by their interests and supported by their strengths.


The outcome of OT is entirely dependent on the collaboration of the child, their support team, and the therapist. Goals aren’t achieved by the child and therapist working in isolation. OT is truly a team experience.


There are many ways to reach a goal. The path taken involves some ups and downs, back and forth, and a TON of creativity. The OT experience often looks quite different from one client to another.


“Play” changes as your child grows and develops, and is unique to each person. We explore how to support play in your child’s day, as well as how to weave therapy goals into playful activities.

Learn more about the Kettle Valley Kids OT process by clicking the button below:

Kettle Valley Kids OT Clinic

In-clinic vs. out-of-clinic?

At this time, Marissa is primarily available to provide in-clinic services (or virtual consultations). In-home or community appointments may be scheduled occasionally, as needed.

  • Access to unique sensory, gross motor, or positioning equipment/materials to explore what may support your child’s goals.
  • Opportunity for your child to initially practice new or challenging skills without the distractions of home (i.e. toys, siblings, electronics).
  • Incorporating  novel toys, games, and equipment can provide a degree of excitement when working on challenging and less motivating activities (i.e. handwriting).
  • Sensory and gross motor equipment can provide in-session regulation for after-school sessions.
  • In-clinic sessions are offered at a reduced rate, since there is no travel time or costs for the therapist.
  • Skills can be practiced in the natural environment where your child will be doing them, which can increase their ability to generalize skills outside of OT sessions.
  • Sessions at home can mean fewer transitions and less time out of the day for your child to attend OT. In an increasingly busy world, simplifying your child’s schedule can often be beneficial.
  • During home OT sessions, toys/equipment/materials from around the house can be more easily incorporated to work on your child’s goals.
  • Parents/caregivers may find home sessions are easier if there are other children at home during OT.